515-256-4999 or 800-362-2127 ext. 4999

Gain new insights, experiences and advanced tips for helping yourself and others to work from home.  Find out the 5 bad habits too many remote workers and their managers acquire from lack of experience, tools and expertise. Then acquire the latest strategies for communicating with remote workers.  
Come away with a deeper understanding of this enormous cultural and work shift going on in the workplace and in society. 
Available and included as part of the Certified Remote Work Manager program.

CEUs/ILUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $245.00
Price in CAD $329.00


Unit 1

Understanding the Remote Workplace

  • The economics of the new Knowledge Society
  • Organizational benefits from remote workers
  • Employee benefits of working from home
  • How remote work improves productivity

Unit 2

Advanced Tips on Working from Home

  • The essentials of successful Remote Work
  • Remote Workflow and Work Day 
  • Peak work time and the new work rules
  • Coping with guilt and work stress
  • The 5 bad habits newbie remote workers acquire

Unit 3

Issues in Working from Home

  • Transitioning office-centered workers
  • Establishing social contact and meetings
  • Late night emails and establishing boundaries
  • Miscommunication online and the solutions
  • Work Solutions for Personal time and needs
  • Making weekends personally rewarding and organizationally productive

Unit 4

Communicating with Remote Workers

  • Virtual office communication software
  • Synchronous tools and tips
  • Asynchronous tools and tips
  • The need and role of the new ‘water cooler’

Learn about the other courses which are part of the same certificate:

Next start date

Sep 3 – 28