Discover win-win tips on communicating with programmers to make your project go more smoothly and efficiently. Just one tip may make the difference between a timeline being met or misunderstanding being clarified. Every occupation has some unique characteristics, terms, approaches, ways of thinking and professional motivations. Come away with strategies for communicating with your techie, consultant or tech team for a win-win working relationship.
CEUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $245
Price in CAD $265
Unit 1
Speaking their language
How techies communicate with non-techies
Some terms to use
The 3 things techies care about most
Unit 2
Communication Strategies
When things go wrong
Working out problems
Holding meetings with your techie/s
Unit 3
Understanding the techie brain
- Myths about nerds and techies
- Brain neurology common to the highly visual, spatially adept
- Communication strengths and weaknesses common to techies
Unit 4
Intrinsic rewards for programmers
- Motivations
- That sense of achievement
- What many techies fear most
- Complimenting and appreciating your techie