800-678-5376 (M-F 8am - 4pm ET)

Power-up your copy. Acquire practical, how-to tips in writing marketing copy. Move ordinary words to savvy copy and greater results.    
Whether writing for email promotions, website, or print marketing, discover the keys to tapping into the reader’s emotions.  Discover the secrets of two of the masters in writing marketing copy.
Secure specific practical techniques to start using on Monday morning. Score with new-found steps and no-nonsense tips to delight your audience.

CEUs/ILUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $195.00
Price in CAD $265.00


Unit 1

Power Up Your Copy

  • The two biggest motivators for your customers
  • Appealing to the emotions
  • Secrets of the masters in writing marketing copy
  • Words, like “meaningful” and “interesting,”  to avoid

Unit 2

Writing Results-First Copy

  • How-to tips on copy writing.
  • Don’t bury the lead
  • How to effectively use verbs
  • The importance of using second person language

Unit 3

Editing Your Copy

  • Step by step editing process for marketing copy
  • Sentence construction and pitfalls
  • Copy length for various mediums
  • Differences for email, website, print and other media

Unit 4

Enhancing Copy with Testimonials & Images

  • How to get testimonials
  • The 3 things to look for in a testimonial
  • How to edit a testimonial
  • Complementing copy with images

Learn about the other courses which are part of the same certificate:

Next start date

Oct 7 – Nov 1