Responsive Web design enables Web designers and developers to build and maintain a single website to serve all kinds of devices sizes: smartphones, tablets, laptops and more.

CEUs/ILUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $245.00
Price in CAD $329.00


Unit 1

Responsive Web Design

  • Planning your layout                         
  • Creating HTML containers, content, and links

Unit 2

Responsive Web Design - Styling

  • Creating and styling the layout with CSS
  • Creating a menu system
  • Styling headings, body text, and footers

Unit 3

Responsive Web Design – Styling the Navigation & Making Adjustments

  • Making layout adjustments for different screen sizes
  • Swapping high-resolution graphics for Retina displays
  • Making sure content is printable
  • Where to go for more information

Unit 4

Responsive Web Design / Additional Frameworks

  • What is Bootstrap
  • Creating a basic template
  • Reviewing basic styles and typography
  • Where to go for more information

Learn about the other courses which are part of the same certificate:

Next start date

Nov 4 – 29