Video marketing is the latest hot new marketing trend. Shoppers who viewed product videos were 144% more likely to add the product to their cart.  Video with good SEO has a 53% higher chance of showing up on page one of Google searches. When done correctly, video can tell a story, and stories connect people. Video also leads to an emotion ‘trigger’ that plain text cannot do.

Two one-month courses, Rob Lee instructor.

Individual Courses

Video Marketing
Sight, sound and motion are much more compelling than static words on a page. In this course you will discover how to use simple online video to bond with your viewer, drive traffic to your website, boost business and build brand awareness. Learn how to use Google and YouTube with your video to market your business 24/7 .

YouTube for Business
Increase your business with YouTube, the online video site and now the second largest search engine. Discover the power of video for your organization. Find out what types of video work best, how other business organizations use YouTube, how to create your own YouTube channel, and how to add captions, annotations and other extra features.


Question MarkAbout online learning

Online learning is a fun, enjoyable and very productive way to learn. Millions of people are learning online each year. You will engage with the instructor and other participants. You will get to know your instructor and other participants. You may make friends.  It’s easy. It’s fun. 

GearsHow the Course Works

It is easy to participate in your online course. After you register, you will be given a web address to go to get into your online classroom.  You will have a password and use your email address and password to gain access.

Once inside the online classroom, here’s what you can expect.

CalendarParticipate when you want

You can participate any time of day or evening. The online classroom is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
There are no live real-time requirements or meetings. You decide when you participate.
For the best learning, participants should log into the course on 2-3 different days of the week.

ChecklistWhat you will do

For each Unit, you will:

  • Access the online readings
  • Listen to the audio presentation for the Unit and view the slides
  • Take a self-quiz to see how much you have learned
  • Engage in written online discussion with your instructor and other participants

For best learning, you should make one or more comments at 2-3 different times each day.

The content (readings, audio lectures, slides) and self quizzes are accessible for the entire course, so you can work ahead, or go back and review again, at your convenience.


The Discussion for each Unit lasts one week. All comments are made in writing and can be made at any time of the day or night.

Your instructor will log into the Discussion area at least once a day and answer questions, make comments, and respond to comments by you and the other participants.

We encourage you to make 2-3 comments each day to maximize your learning and enjoyment of the course.

It’s easy. It’s fun.

Next offering(s):

Video Marketing
February 3 - 28, 2025
April 7 - May 2, 2025
June 2 - 27, 2025
September 2 - 26, 2025

YouTube for Business
March 3 - 28, 2025
May 5 - 30, 2025
July 7 - August 1, 2025
October 6 - 31, 2025

Add Certificate To Cart
$395.0000 USD
$395 USD
Ave. hours 32, 3.2 CEUs/ILUs

About Your Instructor

Rob Lee is an entrepreneur, author, and Google Geek. Rob’s secret for success: simple online video. He has fans worldwide with over 750,000 video views and more than 7,000 YouTube subscribers. He is a YouTube video makin’ entrepreneur happiest helping people live their dreams.  Rob is a YouTube partner, creating entertaining, and informative videos. For the past several years he’s been teaching his YouTube secrets to anyone looking to build brand identity or to use video to get their messages to the masses.


Completion Requirements